Wednesday, December 8, 2010

We leave for our 10 day bush bush outreach on Sunday ☺ I have to admit that I am very excited to come home, see everyone I love and miss! A lot of people are leaving for home on this coming Saturday or Sunday and I will still have 2 weeks from now. God really spoke to me and comforted me! He showed me how to just be His little girl full of faith, with no pressure on myself! None of it is up to me anyways, its all Him and He is already pleased with me no matter what I do on outreach! That’s so amazing! His unconditional love for us as His beloved, as His children! God also keeps saying the word – power – I really feel He is going to use our team to pour His power through us and heal, set free, even raise the dead… which has happened over 200 times in Mozambique with Iris Ministries which is who I am here with ☺.

He wants romance, relationship, unity with us… He wants to be wanted! For us to be excited! Were created in His image, for His pleasure, were the answer to His loneliness, His needs. He wants us to delight in Him just as He delights in us! God showed me a really good example, I could relate to well… I know that Joshua loves it when I see him and I am so excited to see him! when I really want to be with him and he can tell, and I am excited when I can tell he is excited to see me and he really wants to spend time with me! God said that’s what He loves and wants from me! Wow ☺ that same kind of romantic excitement and willingness to show it! God wants us to publicly show how we feel about Him! our romance, our excitement… it’s a relationship – we abide in each other, delight in each other, one can ask and the other will do it because were in love… we are pleased with each other, unconditionally, deeply, radically in love! God doesn’t want to be used by us any more than we want to just be used by Him!!! it’s a relationship, its not about Him using us to do His good works, or us using Him to get what we want… a lot of times Jesus just wants us to be with Him… He says come away with me! Come away, take the time, to be with me alone, just love on each other… rest, refresh, renew, relax in romance with Him, in His great arms…
This school is such a great mix of learning, and serving, plus some really fun stuff! My house of girls (that’s 10 of us in the tiniest house you could imagine… yet we love each other like family now!) went snorkeling the other day and I couldn’t stop just saying – what the heck God! Why did you create these amazing beautiful colorful fish… this beauty is so extreme, extravagant… and he said, for you beloved… He did it all just for us, for our enjoyment He created all things! Wow! I kept thinking of finding nemo! There were so many amazing fishes and coral… just like on finding nemo! Plus I promise I saw marlin and he was in his coral like home yelling nooooo! Ha! I felt like a mirmade with my flippers on… just exploring these fishes homes and praising God for His beauty! My wonderful room mate that speaks Dutch, and English as a second language (this can be quite funny at times…) kept saying “its so beautiful down stairs” hahahaha I am not sure why I find that so so funny but I do! I think she meant down there, but her t’s sound more like d’s usually anyways… hahaha! I’ve decided it would be really cool to be black… I am not sure why it just hit me one night looking at my room mates awesome skin and I was like I wanna be black! She laughed very hard… this is my random section so sorry if its too disorganized and you don’t understand me!

On Fridays we have practical missions and I got assigned painting murals on the walls of what they call the “bibliotecha” which is a large room used for the little kids school during the day and in the afternoons it will be a study hall type room for the older kids. That has been quite the challenging project seeing as were in Africa and supplies are hard to come by, and when you do finally get them, they are extremely hard to work with… plus insane heat to work in! but we finally got it done and I am so glad God gave us the strength, grace and efficiency to get it done! It really looks beautiful and we got to leave something good for the kids and people here! The long term missionaries kept thanking us over and over… other people have attempted to paint in there and left it unfinished, so we had to re-do their work and start over! I will put a picture of one of the walls on here sometime soon :)
Another fun thing I have gotten to do is play soccer with the kids here! Gah its hot! And those kids are so so good! And I am so not… I played in honor of my man Joshua who is extremely good! And his soccer team at King College, all amazing guys and great players! Who I know are taking care of Joshua while I ran off to Africa for 3 months! He is in good hands – shout out to James, Colby, Jessie Danny, Ritchie, John and all the rest I know are taking care of him! I appreciate that so much! Sad James wont be playing next year :( God bless you James, I'll be praying for your next steps!
Every night as I crawl into my stinking hot bed and tuck in my horrid blue out to kill me mosquito net I express my true feelings and tell it how much I hate it… every night! Ugh I will not miss that thing!
Last night with all my house mates we had our last house night together and I discovered how they all see me! Hahahaha I got a great impression of how I walk to the bathroom every morning… sort of a lazy waddle walk I had no idea I do ☺ I also laugh in my sleep and talk quite often… when they first saw me they basically thought I would be a diva! Ha so funny! I cant help that my hair is blonde! I don’t make it that way… ha but they said they quickly realized that I was not too girly to survive in Africa for 3 months, seeing as I don’t wash my hair for days and some of them shower every morning still even though were in Africa! Haha so great to hear what people think about you and their first impressions are… God really teaches us all not to judge and then later we can really speak into each others lives once you get to know each other deeply and God shows you more and more about them! And its really fun to encourage each other and speak into each others lives prophetically as God shows you!
I am excited to come home in 2 weeks and see everybody!

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